A Myomectomy is an Option for Treating Fibroids

There are a wide range of treatment options for fibroids besides a hysterectomy. One option for removing the fibroid but retaining the uterus is a myomectomy.

During a myomectomy, the surgeon will cut the fibroid from the uterus and then sew the uterine muscle back together with several layers of stitches. This approach can allow women to retain their fertility and undergo a pregnancy.

There are different ways to perform a myomectomy depending on the type of fibroid, how many fibroids, and how deeply implanted the fibroid(s).

With the laparoscopic or robotic myomectomy, smaller fibroids may be removed through small incisions in the abdomen with the aid of slender instruments and cameras. If the fibroids are contained within the uterus, a hysteroscopic myomectomy may be done. The surgeon uses a hysteroscope that is passed through the vagina and into the uterus and there are no external incisions. With this type of myomectomy, the surgeon may also be able to shave the fibroids from the uterus wall and avoid uterine incisions. If the fiborids are large and/or multiple in number, an abdominal myomectomy may need to be performed. In this case, either a vertical or bikini cut will be made to allow your surgeon access to the fibroids and uterus.

Recovery can depend on the type of myomectomy done. At least one or two nights in the hospital and a four to six week recovery follow an abdominal myomectomy. With a laparoscopic myomectomy, only one night in the hospital should be required and recovery is two to four weeks. The hysteroscopic myomectomy can be done as an outpatient procedure with only a few days of recovery.

Complications can include infection, blood loss, and recurrence. Younger women are more likely to have fibroids regrow but a myomectomy can allow them to retain their fertility.

Talk to your doctor about your situation to determine which procedure may be right for you.

Browse through the HysterSisters Separate Treatment Alternatives  with information articles and resource information for options and alternatives to the hysterectomy: Fibroids, endometriosis, uterine prolapse, abnormal uterine bleeding, painful pelvic area and more.
This content was written by staff of HysterSisters.com by non-medical professionals based on discussions, resources and input from other patients for the purpose of patient-to-patient support.  Reprinted with permission: Fibroid Treatments | Myomectomy

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