Tips and Tricks for Managing Aging and Menopause

No matter who you are, existing on this earth means you’ll continue to have birthdays. Which brings on aging. And since you’re a woman, that means you’ll also be experiencing menopause somewhere along the way.

Unfortunately, aging and menopause don’t always mix well. The hormonal changes that occur can accelerate aging, especially for those who enter menopause early through surgical menopause.

Before you despair, your HysterSisters have some tips to help you with some of the aging issues you may be facing. For all of them, they recommend using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which can help balance out the hormones that can be at the root of some of the aging and menopause issues. It’s also important to eat well, exercise regularly, and drink plenty of water. You also need to be diligent with your health and health care routines.

Handling Hair

Aging and menopause may lead to hair issues, including hair loss, thinning hair, and a more lackluster look. So managing your hair during menopause can be challenging.

Here’s the advice some of your HysterSisters have followed: go shorter – with cut or style, wash less frequently, avoid brushing, and choose good hair care products.

Soothing Skin

With aging and the onset of menopause, you may be finding your skin is drier, flaky, and less elastic. You may itch, develop wrinkles, and break out blemishes. Your usual skin care products and routine may not be helping any more.

Here’s what your HysterSisters have tried: daily moisturizers, oil in the bath water, cooling off their shower water, patting dry, using skin protection outside, and gentle cleansers.

Knowing Your Nails

Aging and menopause can do a number on your nails, too, leaving them weak, brittle, and unsightly. You may also notice ridges, more fungus, and discoloration.

You’re not alone, so here are some of the tricks that have helped your HysterSisters: cuticle oil, regular nail buffing, cutting in a more square shape, moisturizers, and being mindful of fungus.

Coping with Creaks

Since estrogen reduces inflammation and helps regulate body fluids, without enough of it you can end up feeling some creaking in your joints. Estrogen also helps keep your bones strong, so during menopause they can become weaker and more brittle.

Advice from your HysterSisters for better bones and less creakiness include: gentle exercises before getting out of bed in the morning, using supplements, staying active throughout the day, and lowering doses of progesterone.

Seeking Sight

Your eyes and vision can be affected by aging and menopause. You may find it harder to focus, your vision may not be as sharp, and your eyes may feel drier. Even if you had 20/20 vision in the past, you may now find yourself needing reading classes to be able to decipher words on a page. There are also more serious eye health issues that can arise.

Your HysterSisters have also been hit by the blurriness, so they have some recommendations: see an eye doctor, don’t ignore anything new with your eyes – spots, pain, discoloration, etc., wear good sunglasses outside, get some reading classes, use artificial tears, apply eye ointment at night, rest your eyes, and avoid conditions that make them uncomfortable – bright lights, fans, smoke, etc.

This content was written by staff of by non-medical professionals based on discussions, resources and input from other patients for the purpose of patient-to-patient support.  Reprinted with permission: Tips and Tricks for Managing Aging and Menopause


Rade Kovac/

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