Late menopause may protect women’s memory

A new study led by Diana Kuh, from University College London in the United Kingdom, asks whether the age at which a woman gets her menopause influences her memory performance years later.

She and her colleagues were prompted in their research by existing studies that seemed to suggest that an older age at menopause — coupled with a longer reproductive life — are linked with better cognitive performance years later.

However, as the study authors explain, those studies did not use a particularly large sample, and neither did they benefit from a group of age-homogeneous participants.

So, Kuh and team set out to rectify this by looking at birth cohort studies. They investigated the data of 1,315 women using the Medical Research Council National Survey of Health and Development in the U.K.

Read more from Medical News Today, by Ana Sandoiu, about Late menopause may protect women’s memory.

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