Managing Hot Flashes Naturally

If you are like most women, you’re going to have hot flashes during menopause. And like most women, you’ll have to decide how to manage them. There’s no “one size fits all” solution that works for every woman and her situation.

Whether you choose to use hormone replacement therapy (HRT), medications, or supplements, in the long run there are some natural steps you can take to prevent and manage hot flashes now.


Anxiety and stress can trigger hot flashes, so it’s important to learn how to relax and mange stress during menopause. Relaxation techniques include meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, massage, and biofeedback. For you, it might simply be a walk in the park, reading a good book, or gardening. It doesn’t matter what relaxation method you choose as long as it allows you to take some time each day to calm your spirit so you are less anxious and stressed.

Choose to Be Positive

If you have a pessimistic or negative outlook, you’re apt to panic – at least slightly – whenever there’s a problem or stressful situation. That can trigger a hot flash. Instead of always assuming or expecting the worst, start focusing on the positives in every situation. Make some lemonade out of those lemons. Not only will you feel better about life in general, you won’t have as many hot flashes that make you miserable.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can decrease your hot flashes and it’s good for your overall health. It will also help you manage stress and your weight, both of which in turn can decrease hot flashes.

Eat Healthy

Your diet can affect the number and intensity of your hot flashes. Take some time to learn which foods trigger hot flashes and which ones prevent them. Then create a healthy and satisfying meal plan. Also, remember to drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and caffeine.

Stay Cool

Hot flashes can occur if you become overheated. Try to avoid places where there is excessive heat – like a hot tub or sauna. Don’t spend time in the hot sun, keep your room cool, and use a fan regularly. Always dress in layers and choose fabrics for your clothing and bedding that’s lightweight and breathable.

This content was written by staff of by non-medical professionals based on discussions, resources and input from other patients for the purpose of patient-to-patient support. Reprinted with permission: Managing Hot Flashes Naturally

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