Faster Bone Turnover in Menopause Linked to Incident Fracture Risk

In postmenopausal women, faster increases in bone turnover during the menopausal transition and greater bone turnover in the early postmenopausal period are associated with an increased risk for fracture, according to study results published in TheJournal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

The study included women who were premenopausal or early perimenopausal at baseline of the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN) who transitioned to postmenopause during the study period. Menopausal transition was defined as 2 years before to 2 years after the final menstrual period. Early postmenopause was defined as ≥2 years after the final menstrual period.

Read more from Endocrinology Advisor, by Hannah Dellabella, about Faster Bone Turnover in Menopause Linked to Incident Fracture Risk Ramli

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