Coping With Depression, Sex Life and Hysterectomy

Now that you made the decision to move forward with a minimally invasive hysterectomy to treat your abnormal bleeding, you’re worried that you might be sliding into depression. While every woman has her own unique concerns, some common sources of anxiety and despair include loss of fertility, hormonal changes, and the belief that a sex life post hysterectomy isn’t possible. Not to mention, the prospect of losing her uterus is a source of grief for a woman facing this procedure. While it may not reflect reality, many women also feel a sense of emotional isolation as they face their worries, despite being surrounded by loving family and supportive friends.

So what are some ways that you can prevent or manage feelings of depression before your upcoming hysterectomy that will treat the abnormal bleeding and pain you’ve suffered with for all too long?

  1. Get the information before– Understanding what to expect will go a long way toward easing your worries. Often fear of the unknown becomes more terrifying than reality itself. Your doctor can address concerns about sex life after hysterectomy, and pain after the procedure.   Hormone therapy, pain medication and many other solutions can help with these possible issues.
  2. Shop for things that will make you comfy—A little aromatherapy, and some relaxation music will help ease your emotions now and during your recovery. Create a soothing environment to make this journey less stressful.
  3. Shop for things post recovery—Realize that you may be depressed about losing your femininity. Now is the time to go out and buy some pretty new underwear and nighties for your post hysterectomy sex life revival.
  4. Prepare your home for loved ones to help you—Making and freezing meals before your procedure will make it easy for others to heat up and prepare meals. Make lists of chores that have to be done, so your family doesn’t panic about not knowing what to do.
  5. Connect with others—Reaching out to family, close friends and even your spouse, and talking about your emotions will help you feel better. Knowing that you aren’t alone, and that your support network is there will be reassuring.
  6. Get mental health counseling– Research out of Canada, published in the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, and Neonatal Nursing has shown that women who suffer with anxiety and depression before a hysterectomy are likely to experience these same emotions after the procedure. If you aren’t coping successfully with your anxiety and depression, you should let your doctor know and seek counseling before the procedure.

Most importantly, when you feel your emotions getting the best of you, remember why you are choosing to undergo this minimally invasive hysterectomy. Realize that you can look forward to freedom from abnormal bleeding and pain.

Content Sponsored by: MIRI Women – The Minimally Invasive Reproductive Surgery Institute (MIRI) brings together highly skilled, board-certified specialists who are focused on women’s health. Our team of professionals is trained in advanced gynecology, specifically hysterectomy surgery. Philosophically, our partner physicians take a “less is more” approach to health care, by first treating patients with the most conservative therapies. MIRI focuses on physical healing, while emphasizing that a patient’s emotional well-being is just as important.

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