Constipation after Hysterectomy

If your bowels are sluggish since your hysterectomy and you are worried, here are some things to consider:

A diet filled with fruit, fiber, and prune juice is high on the list recommended for constipation. Others have had success with bran flakes, shredded wheat, coffee, and oatmeal. A half a glass of ginger ale mixed with another half glass of prune juice heated has also been known to work well.

If natural remedies don’t work, there are some over-the-counter products that you may find helpful as well. A stool softener is usually recommended, but your doctor is the best person to ask for recommendations. Laxatives are usually not a good idea since they can be quite harsh to the system.

Don’t forget about walking and drinking plenty of water! Walking as much as you can will help get things moving.

If you are suffering from gas, see “Gas Gas Gas after Hysterectomy”.

This content was written by staff of and published by permission. Find the article here: Constipation after Hysterectomy.

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