Estradiol slows lipid progression in early menopause

Women in early menopause who received oral estradiol treatment had a reduced progression of lipid deposition in the carotid arterial wall compared with placebo, according to a secondary analysis of the ELITE trial presented at the American Heart Association Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions.

“Our results show that the progression of lipid deposition was significantly less among early postmenopausal women taking [estradiol therapy] than the late postmenopausal women compared with placebo,” Roksana Karim, PhD, MBBS, associate professor of clinical preventive medicine at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles, told Healio. “These results show that [estradiol therapy] has a direct effect in reducing atherosclerosis, the major cause of CVD, by reducing cholesterol accumulation in the arterial wall.

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