Sherri in California Hysterectomy Story

Type of Hysterectomy: Partial hysterectomy by laproscopy
Age at Hysterectomy 36
Location: California

I had a hysterectomy to treat my endometriosis and adenomyosis. I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2009 and had two other laparoscopic surgeries before my hysterectomy. I did not seek a second or third opinion because the surgery was my choice. I was in a lot of pain and I just wanted to be better. I knew it was not a cute for my endometriosis and I might need more surgeries in the future, but at almost a year later, I am feeling so much better!

I went to foothill Presbyterian hospital in Glendora, ca because that is the nicest and cleanest hospital that I know! I had a great experience! The nurses were very kind and caring. My anesthesiologist knew I was nervous about the iv and told jokes to help me relax. I was under for about 2 hours and I had morphine after my surgery. I checked in at 530 in the morning and I was release by 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I didn’t have a lot of adverse side effects. I did get sick once I got home, but I think it was my body getting all of the extra medication out.

I had a pretty easy recovery. Have someone stay with you for as long as possible!!!! I had my husband for a week and then my mom helped out for 2 weeks. Every time I rode in the car I had a pillow between myself and the seatbelt. It’s really hard not to overdo it, but it’s important not to do anything at all! I went back to full time work after 4 weeks. I was tired, but glad to be back. I still try to take it easy and not lift anything super heavy. It takes about a year to heal completely. Stay on top of your medication. Take it even if you feel ok for at least the first 2 weeks.

My health has improved greatly! I am so happy with the decision I made! I am pretty much pain free now and I am able to work out and not be in tears after. I have lost 15 pounds and working on losing more!

This surgery is ok to have if you feel like you need it. It does not make you less of a woman! It is ok to cry a little and it’s ok to ask for help! Use as much as you can! It was a great tool for me and they offer so much support! Invest in some cute pjs and fuzzy socks because you will be living in them for awhile. And most important, everything will be ok! 🙂

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